Showing 1 - 25 of 56 Results
The Mothman's Photographer III: Meetings with Remarkable West Coast Witnesses Touched by Int... by Colvin, Andrew, Redfern, Nick ISBN: 9781419652431 List Price: $16.99
Probes Still Happen: the Secret Lives of Ancient and Modern Aliens by Colvin, Andrew, Hanks, Mica... ISBN: 9781530176366 List Price: $16.99
John Keel's Book of UFOs: the Best of Flying Saucers Magazine by Palmer, Raymond, Colvin, An... ISBN: 9781727613384 List Price: $17.99
Flying Saucer Fire and Fury: Aliens in the White House and Other Top-Secret Tales of Ufology... by Barker, Gray, Colvin, Andre... ISBN: 9781983985836 List Price: $18.99
Beyond the Pale Horse: the Strange Case of Milton William Cooper by Barker, Gray, Colvin, Andre... ISBN: 9781983985751 List Price: $17.99
I Hear the Voices of Depraved Spies and Moguls in My Head, and I Obey by Colvin, Andrew, Barker, Gra... ISBN: 9781979853088 List Price: $17.99
Paul Nash's photographs: document and image; by Causey, Andrew, Colvin, Clare ISBN: 9780900874598 List Price: $12.95
Mothman Shrieks : Controversial Conversations Concerning Cosmic Conundrums - Cryptic Creatur... by Colvin, Andrew, Torbich, Te... ISBN: 9781450562669 List Price: $17.99
Searching For the String: Selected Writings of John A. Keel by John A. Keel, Andrew Colvin ISBN: 9781499132120 List Price: $24.99
Praise For the Hairy Man: The Secret Life of Bigfoot by Andrew Colvin, Jeffery Prit... ISBN: 9781493733415 List Price: $29.99
When Men in Black Attack: the Strange Case of Albert K. Bender by Barker, Gray, Colvin, Andre... ISBN: 9781506088570 List Price: $19.99
Great Phonograph in the Sky: Selected Writings of John A. Keel by Keel, John, Colvin, Andrew ISBN: 9781508516606 List Price: $24.99
Book of Mothman by Keel, John, Colvin, Andrew,... ISBN: 9781507617380 List Price: $19.99
Inside the Prophecies of Mothman: Selected Letters from Paranormal Witnesses and Researchers by Colvin, Andrew, Scott, Dave... ISBN: 9781501032523 List Price: $19.99
Beyond the Prophecies of Mothman: Selected Letters from Paranormal Witnesses and Researchers by Colvin, Andrew, Strickler, ... ISBN: 9781501032752 List Price: $19.99
Return of the Prophecies of Mothman by Colvin, Andrew, Clelland, M... ISBN: 9781501033933 List Price: $19.99
Ghost of the Philadelphia Experiment Returns by Barker, Gray, Colvin, Andre... ISBN: 9781500685898 List Price: $19.99
Mothman Squeaks: Convivial Conversations Concerning Cosmic Conundrums - Cryptic Creatures, C... by Colvin, Andrew, Torbich, Te... ISBN: 9781500757182 List Price: $20.99
Secret Life of Spirits: Meetings with Remarkable Ghost Busters, Hunters, and Whisperers by Colvin, Andrew, Pritchett, ... ISBN: 9781537119311 List Price: $16.99
They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers by Barker, Gray, Keel, John, C... ISBN: 9781518709449 List Price: $17.99
Laugh 'Til You Die: the Killer Clown Sightings Of 2016 by Pearl, Ogden, Colvin, Andrew ISBN: 9781542328517 List Price: $17.99
Beyond Lanulos: Our Fifty Years with Indrid Cold by Derenberger, Taunia, Colvin... ISBN: 9781541204768 List Price: $15.99
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